The motto of the Home Ministry seems to be:
“Hum nahin sudharenge”.

Blast after blast after blast after blast, the Ministry comes up only with meetings and conferences within the Ministry and the States. Because the Ministry is bereft of any ideas on tackling terrorism and naxalism, the meetings and conferences always come to naught. The participants in this farcical drama, whether the officials of the Ministry, the intelligence agencies or the police as well as the State officials go back ever more frustrated and not knowing whether the Govt. has any notion or concept of fighting terrorists and naxals.
Shivraj Patil, who aided by the spokesperson of the UPA, has developed the subtle art of putting the blame on the States, continues to dole out meaningless comments on how terrorism will not be allowed to succeed, where facts suggest a completely different picture.
Shivraj’s lack luster performance has brought the country the trauma of experiencing loss of lives and property at the time and place of choosing by the anti national forces. This has already been discussed earlier in an article here just two months back before the present series of blasts.

It is high time those in power show the spine, if not to face terrorism, at least to replace Shivraj with someone else. Possible contenders for the position from the Congress stable would be Pawar(nominally NCP), Chidambaram and Arjun Singh. Even if they do not succeed in improving the situation significantly, at least this change will keep one of them away from the present Ministry where none of them have performed.

The dark horse (who also helped Govt. win the Trust Vote sweepstakes) , of course, could be Mulayam Singh, who has at least been the Defense Minister of the country earlier and a Chief Minister too.
What is said by Shivraj Patil in this picture correctly shows his approach.
It is time that ppl stopped relying on Govt. for their safety.
Great blog!!
Very creative use of visuals to drive home your point effectively.
This is not the first time that we have had bomb attacks on civilian areas, yet we are afflicted by a strange disease called "INACTION".
Is it deliberate callousness or sheer incompetence.
agree fully with mavin.
it is a pity that none of what is written makes any effect on the alligator (protected specie) skin politicians.
no way mulayam singh. he is close to fundamentalist and disruptive elements.
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