V.P.Singh and Soz -offering cold water?Aamir - advisable to stick to "thanda cola"?
It is really a pity that Aamir Khan, generally considered to be a sensible person, got carried away by the false propoganda of the Narmada Bachao Andolan and by being present at their dharna at Delhi, tried to add glamor to an effort to mislead the public and browbeat the Government.
Medha Patkar and her cronies have been assiduously following the Goebbelian principle of telling lies long enough to make people accept it as truth. Unfortunately for the country and its people, they have succeeded in their efforts in making people believe that their 'struggle' is justified.
As Aamir Khan spoke, it was clear that he was not fully aware of the background of issues and had unwittingly walked into controversy by lending his voice to support the cause of the NBA.
For those like him who are not fully aware of how much water has flown under the bridge (or over the dam) in this matter, there are voluminous newsreports and other material available which also show the tactics adopted and half-truths that have been spread by Medha Patkar and her colleagues over a period.
For the uninitiated, an admirable analytical viewpoint on the subject can be read here and a perspecive specifically on Relief & Rehabilitation aspects can be read here.
The Narmada Bachao Andolan has been trying its best to raise their issues repeatedly before the Highest Court in the land, i.e. The Supreme Court.
In its Judgement given in October 2000, the Surpeme Court did not accept various contentiones of NBA and gave several directions to ensure that justice was done to the displaced people and at the same time that the project was completed expeditiously.
Even subsequent to that, various interlocutary applications were made by various affected persons. In one Order dated 9.9.02, the Supreme Court stated:
"Grievance Redressal Authority having been put in place, there is no reason for this Court to interfere.
As far as the dispute raised in this petition is concerned, that is over and final with the earlier decision of this Court. In case an oustee or a person affected by the Project has any grievance, it is open to him to approach the Grievance Redressal Authority.
It is also contended that land for land has not been given. If there is any person so aggrieved or has justifiable grievance, it is open to that person to approach the Grievance Redressal Authority, failing which this Court.
It is made clear that full assistance will be rendered by the Narmada Control Authority as well as the State Governments to the Grievance Redressal Authority in the discharge of their respective functions.
This writ petition is disposed of in the aforesaid terms."
In another Order dated 16.4.04, the Supreme Court stated, inter alia, that:
"I.A.Nos.10 & 11. The prayer in these applications is to direct the respondents not to proceed with further construction of Narmada Dam by raising its height to 110 meters till all affected people are rehabilitated. The main grievance of the applicants is the subject-matter of two I.As.(I.A.Nos.4 & 7).
Having heard learned counsel for the parties at considerable length, we are of the view that for the present, no case has been made out to stop the ongoing construction raising the height of the dam. At the same time, it is necessary to note that the matter relating to rehabilitation of outstees is required to be examined by all concerned and implemented in terms of the award made by the Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal, orders and directions issued by this Court from time to time, the orders and directions of Narmada Control Authority and that of Grievance Redressal Authrorities of the state concerned. Further, it has been brought to our notice by the learned counsel appearing for the applicants that the land in village Matanya, Tehsil Mahaeshwar and some of the other villages being proper cultivable land can be obtained/acquired by the State Governments and given to the oustees as a rehabilitation measure. The applicants may give concrete suggestions in this respect to the respondent-State of Madhya Pradesh. On receipt of such suggestions, the matter shall be expeditiously examined by the State Government. In case, the applicants/oustees are still not satisfied with the decision of the State Government, it would be open to them to approach the Grievance Redressal Authority. The said Authority shall also examine the grievance of the oustees as expeditiously as possible as the matter pertaining to rehabilitation of the oustees cannot be taken up or treated lightly. It may also be noticed that a positive approach has been adopted by the oustees that what they are concerned with is the proper rehabilitation and not the stoppage of the construction of the dam and they have approached this Court seeking stay of construction as they were not satisfied about the proper offer having been made to all affected parties for their rehabilitation and other related aspects of rehabilitation.
For the present having noticed aforesaid issues, we express no opinion."
Another detailed Judgement giving certain directions was also delivered on 15.3.05.
Realising that they were not succeeding in getting the Hon. Court to give Orders to their own liking, the NBA and Medha Patkar have started resorting to pressure tactics and have drawn in the news-hungry television media and publicity-hungry personalities to use them for their own ends. In doing this, they are amply demonstrating their lack of faith in the Judiciary if it does not show inclination to pass orders to suit their own agenda.
The Union Government, which has proved to be weak-kneed and worthless at times in tackling difficult issues, has apparently succumbed to the pressure tactics of Medha Patkar and others and has agreed to "review" the decision to raise the height of the dam.
It is high time the people stop supporting such uselsss 'struggles' when the development and progress of the country are thwarted. It is pertinent to note that the Narmada projects link the economic development of four states in the country viz. Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajashtan and Madhya Pradesh with a total population of 264.20 million people.
But it is not a question of just these 25% of the country's population. The issue is whether a handful of objectors with their own unclear motivations can stop the progress of the country itself. What they are trying to do is to change the countours of a project that has come so far in the process of implementation during the course of which it has gone through every conceivable test including critical scrutiny of the highest judicial authority. If such agitations, by people who may be misguided or who may have their own motives, are allowed to succeed, it would lead to disastrous consequences not only for the present Narmada projects but also for any future development projects.
As for Aamir Khan, it is hoped that he would see through the game to suck him into needless controversy and, instead of sticking his neck out for the same, stick to his bollywood activities unless he feels that he has no future there.
The TV media is playing havoc with our system and glamorizing such events.
I strongly think that the TV media and the newsmedia are bigger culprits than politricians.
The media are themselves guilty of playing politics when they suggest that the centre and the states are playing politics on the issue.
The fact is that the issue is one of development and the unjustified obstruction to development by NBA which is beyond the limits of acceptable dissent.
When the States rightly resist the Central Government's submitting meekly to such demands, they are speaking not only for their own states but also for people of India.
The reporters and presenters particularly of TV media while speaking extempore, make irresponsible comments that mislead and confuse the people.
dude.. what are you stupid. the poora ctor is doing one sensible thing in his life...
stop talkin shit.
don't stand in the way of those trying to do something proper..
Good post !! Keep up the good work. I agree with your sentiments commpletely regarding Amir Khan and the NBA. Unfortunately the Indian media has not made any effort whatsoever to verify the claims of the NBA and has not bothered to ask any difficult questions, such as: if R&R in some villages is not fully satisfactory, to what extent is it caused by the NBA's own anti-R&R activities. My question to the NBA is this: do you really want to R&R to happen successfully, or do you want R&R to fail and oustees to suffer so that you can proclaim 'large dams are bad'. The NBA's actions indicate that deep in their hearts they want R&R to fail and oustees to suffer.
I am in favour of the dam myself, but I have to ask - who are you to decide what Aamir Khan may or may not do. As an individual citizen, he has every right to lend his support to any cause that he chooses. That is what democracy is about, in case you've forgotten.
People have you heard of anything called the naxalite movement? One of the reasons the naxal movement started in the first place was the mines which came up in tribal areas without proper compensation? And now naxalites are the greatest danger to the nation even more than terrorism - there is a difference here. Now just suppose those who are displaced had decided to go violent instead of following the satyagraha style. Another naxalite movement.
The question here is that we in the cities who will probably be ready to call up a bhai to make sure our neighbour never parks his car in our parking space anymore really have no credibility talking about rehabilitation and acquistion of land for developmental purposes.
Are you ready to give up using your AC or cut down on your electricity just so that there is lesser burden on the country and more development? No we want it all and let the tribals give up their land. Just give us our water, power and broadband.
Thank you for the email. You've helped me find some good information on this issue.
I think the problem with this issue is that it has a long history. People, especially the young, do not have a proper grasp of its history. Therefore, carried away by emotion, they tend to make quick conclusions based on what may have been told to them by others who are equally misinformed or by people who spread false information.
This weakness is exactly what is being exploited by Medha Patkar now as she's performing her fast. The media also is helping her do this in a big way, inadvertently or otherwise, and this is bad. We all know about Arundhati Roy and what kind of a person she is what with her record of contempt of court. I'm surprised that Aamir Khan has joined the band wagon because he's someone who's totally unrelated. Dont know what business he has here but I wont question it. He has a right to do whatever he wants with himself. But there is a painful prospect - of many people, who are new to the issue and are not well informed, believe Aamir (a celebrity's words) and extend their sympathies to the NBA. This minor disaster already seems to be happening and I can imagine Medha Patkar smiling to herself inside.
Well, maybe we shouldnt put too much blame on the media. After all, they're doing their job in that they're just covering an issue but the question is: to what extent are they doing their job? I feel they're not asking some questions they ought to ask. Instead of digging deeper into the issue with an objective frame of mind, the TV channels only seem to be taking a sympathetic stand towards the NBA, which is disastrous.
Sigh! More bullshit.
Aamir Khan should stick to what he is good at. No need to do anything and everything just to hog the media limelight.
NBA activist have already cost the tax payer of India much. They should not be allowed to mess with whatever developmental projects we have in India.
It is gratifying to note that there are quite a few amongst the young who can talk sense and be objective(siddhartha, atlantean, greensatya), not get carried away by the nonsense being propogated by the likes of NBA and hypocritical activists.
Aamir even tried to justify his support by saying that he was only asking for proper rehabilitation! Was everyone just waiting for him to ask that? Rehabilitation is an issue uppermost in the minds of even the highest court of the land as well as the Govt.s. By saying what he did, he implies that the subject has not received attention. This is what happens when good intentioned people believing the lies spread by the activists try to have their two bits worth of say and add fuel to fire without realising the harm they are doing.
Just as Aamir has a democratic right to say what he wants, so do others have a right to tell him to keep away from things he does not fully understand, to shut up and drink his thanda cola and cool it.
Instead of people sitting on dharna or getting cheap publicity from the media, it is adviced to them to do something for the people who they are pretending to be representing. Mr. Aamir Khan & co. can organize some events to raise money for the displaced people and help them relocate and re-establish their lives. That I think will help both the speedy completion of Dam construction as well as rehabilitation of these people...
I fully agree with the sentiments of agyat. These celebrities and so-called guardians of interests of the affected people have no stakes in the matter and just stir up things not realising the consequences. At the end of the day, they are not going to be affected by discouraging the affected people from co-operating with the government to find a solution.At the same time, they describe as politically motivated those people who are trying to ensure that the development of the country is not affected.
People like Arundhati, Aamir and others who do not know head or tail of what development is and how hard it is to achieve, should be rejected by the people.
No one in government says that rehabilitation should not be done. It is true that the govt. machinery sometimes works in insensitive and corrupt manner. That is true of government in every area of work and is a national malaise.
In case of Narmada project, the Supreme Court has given afected people the privilege to approach the court in case of problems. They should make full use of this opening.
The fact that NBA is resorting to dramatic dharnas and gets uninformed celebrities to support their cause and spread confusion amongst the people, shows their ulterior motive which is to stop the project. THat was their orignal objective and still remains the goal.
Arundhati Roy, the self styled saviour of the downtrodden, said on the TV on 17th April to the following effect:
There is a full page advt. in the newspapers where the top industrialists have supported the Narmada project. They all have industrial interests in Gujarat. Do you believe that the project is for the poor?
The above statement shows the perverse mentality of the Andolan whose only aim is to prove that the project is against the poor and for the rich. Similar arguments are raised by other activists e.g. saying that the benefit of irrigation will go only to rich farmers!!
Can anything be so bizzare that a person putting on airs as an intellectual does not have a basic understanding of what is development? Does a project become pro-rich and anti-poor because leaders of industry support it???????
False sense of grandeur:
Aamir said on TV: Not only the Supreme Court but also I will be observing the progress of rehabilitation work.
Aamir, you are just an upstart! Do not get carried away by your own overestimation of yourself.
It is time for everyone to realize true colors of NBA, and call the bluff of their phony supporters.
1. Over the last few weeks, they have been repeating the same arguments against big dams etc. all of which have been dealt with at the Government since 1986 and the Supreme Court since 1994 and comprehensively rejected. Still, by repeating the same, they managed to find sympathizers who do not have an idea of events so far.
2. It is their habit to try and drown the voice of reason as was found when one of the activists in an interview on tv channel did not allow a senior advocate to speak by her hysterical interruptions.
3. Arundhati Rao said that since an advertisement was released showing support of distinguished industrialists, the project was meant for the rich and not for the poor!
4. Another activist, Himanshu Thakkar in another tv interview, besides repeating old rejected arguments, said that the project would only benefit rich farmers!! This was in spite of the fact that over 95% of the farmers are holders of small plots.
5. Medha Patkar stated that the Gujarat CM was responsible for the post Godhra riots and was communal. It is clear that this was just a calumny which has nothing to do with the development project of Narmada.
6. NBA have been known to be instigating the affected persons not to accept rehabilitation.
7. The newest supporter of NBA, one Aamir Khan with a bloated ego, grandly declared:“Along with Supreme Court, I will also keep a watch on the rehab programme for the next three months”. It appears that he is trying to become a super protector of the people.
8. Medha went on fast when an application to Supreme Court was already made. Hoping to get a favourable order, her lawyers asked for early hearing but this was denied and the Court maintained the date of 17th April. This upset her calculations forcing her to continue fast for much longer. Ultimately, she gave up even when the Court did not stop work immediately.
9. In a brazen attenpt to pressurize the Court and the PM, their lawyer Bhushan publicly expressed disappointment with the Court order and Arundhati said that Court and PM were not taking the right decision.
10. Arundhati even used profanity in front of the tv camera, which had to be blocked by the channel.
Many who have experience of NBA realize that they are ready to adopt any tactics including abusing constitutional authorities to achieve their goal and are bringing a bad name to bona fide NGOs.
IndiaTV showed today(20th April) in Breaking News, some details and visuals of how NBA is
trying to sabotgae R&R work.
Someone needs to really look at their affairs. IndiaTV also said that in 2004 the Gujarat High Court had asked govt. to look into their activities but nothing seems to have been done.
Does anyone have details of this?
I do not think Aamir Khan is seeking publicity through this issue. It appears that he genuinely wanted to help these people and maybe ended up getting a lot of flak from media, and also from the self acclaimed saviour of the poor- Arundathi Roy.
She claims that Aamir should stick to selling cokes! Ms Roys' books sold millions of copies in paper back and hard back all around the world, so how many trees were chopped down becoz of this? Did she even know whether the printers used recycled paper? So much from a self acclaimed environmentalist and saviour of the poor!
The article was very well written- not that I can agree with the author completely. The author of indicates that the affected people should approach the court. Well, that is good and happening in a perfect world, where all you day-to-day problems are resolved by our judiciary in a short span of time. Please do not forget the political interests on this subject.
I do not think we (any of us) will be able to make proper judgement of what people's problems are sitting in our comfort zone and passing comments, claiming democratic freedom!
As far as I can understand, the reason no big celebrities- cricketers, film stars, business people etc etc get involved in such national issues is becoz of the fear of negative media coverage.
Even if some people like Aamir try to so something, people are quick to point out that he knows nothings, he is after publicity, and that his film career is not looking good etc etc. Give the guy a break! Atleast he is doing something... not using his computer to critise others.
Maybe this is probably one reason, India might never have good, young leaders!
Well, this is my democratic freedom to say what I feel. So please disregard if you do not agree. But feel free to exercise your democratic right!
Aamir is right, the dam should not built for lots of reasons, but mainly coz it benefits only the rich.
I feel cyberkitty and others are just supporting the agitation without understanding the consequences and the harm they do to the country by delaying development works involving thousands of crores of public money which belongs to you and me and indulge in so-called intellectual exercise from the comforts of their homes.
They obviously also do not think of the dire straits of lacs of people suffering without water.
NBA has its own agenda and they could not care less whether the country has already spent 1000 or 10,000 crores and whether the country continues to live without water, power and food. They do not have a sense of proportion.
It is high time people start
using their own sense in a mature way without getting carried away by emotional blackmail seeing Medha Patkar's drama going to fast.
I totally agree with the view of anonymous poor Aamir knows less about the issue fine but thats no reason for him to shut up. He is an actor fine but actors are not necessarily frivolous He is a citizen too. Plus even if Medha and co are ideologically challenged right now they are trying to make the govt live up to their rehabilitation promises to those displaced. Now the ministers report proves rehabilitation in MP has not been adequate so why shouldn't the people protest? The earlier verdict clearly stated no further construction on the dam till oustees are rehabilitated so why did the govt decide to raise dam height without arbitarily violating the court order and democratic norms. Of course its silly to say all dams are anti poor or destructive but then why should those displaced sacrifice their interests to the so called greater good? Raise the height of the damn dam but please adequate rehabilitation first. Lets not debate dam is good or not but must not forget those displaced have a right to fair rehabilitation they are not displaced citizens of this country.
Yes Aamir and others have a right to express their opinion. However although informed opinion may help, uninformed opinion can harm rather than help.
No one in the entire discussion has doubted the need for proper Rehab. so it is no use keeping on and on with that as if people are against it.
Perhaps, some genuinely interested commentators have not gone through various stages of the project which was started before they were even born. Even article under discussion, already gives some relevant background for those who have the patient to read and understand. The Supreme Court was already approached by NBA but unfortunately, showing contempt for the Court and without waiting for the matter to be heard, they started the protest fasts to blackmail the government as well as put pressure on the Court. They are past masters in adopting such pressure tacticts. Unfortunately, they are getting sympathies of those who do not have adequate background.
To be fair to Aamir, although he jumped into the matter, he seems to have realised his folly and was wise enough to tell Medha and NBA to co-operate with the Government in rehab with their 'expert knowledge' (instead of obstructing). I hope others too will also realise this.
Finally, if people understand the magnitudde of the project and the importance of letting the project be completed fast,they will have done a service to the people of the country.
The person 'anonymous' has referred to other than Aamir, is just hot air and a highly inflated ego. That person does not have any understanding of what the country's needs are and what development is all about.
A person who has the temerity to abuse even the highest court in the land, and who is living abroad most of the time, cannot appreciate the country's problems. The same person who on one day said that Aamir joining them was not going to help NBA but Aamir himself, found Aamir to be a 'wonderfully aggressive person' the very next day.
The sooner people start ignoring such fake 'activists', the better.
Prerna please Define adequate background.
Gr8 we all support rehabilitation that puts NBA and us on the same side atleast on this issue.
Now of course if noone is against rehab then its no point repeating it by same logic noone is opposing the dam per se if accompanied by adequate rehab so dont mae it sond as everyone is conspiring to bring it down.
I don't see Medha's fast as blackmail protesting through fasting is nothing new and definitely better then burning effigies or vandalising public places like cinema halls.
The only civilised way to oppose an argument is to counterargue not cite aspersions on the background and knowledge of the person giving it its a logical fallacy Ad-hominem see
Reading an article with a particular viewpoint does not means you dont disagree with it and if you do you are wrong.
Too many perhaps!
May one should not vote without studying democracy in detail.
If the earlier court verdict said in clear terms that rehabilitation has to precede raising the dam height than if someone demands to stop construction till oustees are rehabilitated its logically correct. The court allowed the construction only after warning the govt for not being serious on that front except on paper.
If the NBA peacefully protesting is contempt of court why didn't the court mention it? Its for the court to decide not you or me.
The NBA's stand was vindicated by the court warning plus the ministers report. see link
some readers' arguments are typically irrelevant.
Point is NBA has been trying to put pressure on the Government and Supreme Court with the sole intenetion to stop work on Narmada by any means.
Prerna, if this simple fact is not clear to the reader by now, nothing will convince her, so better give up.
Just let the dam construction be stopped on the ground that 'rehabilitation is not done satisfactorily'.
The dam is a reality today and whatever was the history the current focus is rehabilitation alone In fact the NBA too is learning to stick to it no point going on attacking it for conspiring against the dam. The dam is being constructed alright the SC has made it sure wts requied is resettlement in the same vein.
Nandita and all
It makes no sense to keep singing the same old tune NBA is anti-dam we all know it.
NBA appeal in the court now was for R&R for the displaced people
The SC gave green light to the dam construction but it did voice its concern on poor R&R
So now lets see how can we ensure finishing the dam with fair R&R to the people. not finishing off with the arguement for fair R&R to the people.
PS Nandita
Noone said the dam construction to be stopped
Dont cite irrelevancies
You know what I feel the NBA and co are fixated on the idea people are not getting due relief and it can't be fixed with the dam
The other side is fixated on the idea that NBA is conspiring day and night to bomb the dam and the oustees have the same motive
Its a debate between the deaf both sides are intolerant and delusional.
so very true Tanvi
visit this site:
If people still feel that these two ladies are doing anything in the interest of the country or even the displaced persons, they deserve to be credited with minds blocked by boulders.
Deepti is right people have minds blocked by boulders if the don't attack medha and arundhati at a personal level like her completely oblivious of the issue and background.How tolerant she is of dissent admirable it is. I am your fan now.
chitra thats a good one "oblivious of the issue and background". Precisely: only those who are oblivious of the background and the issue think that these ladies have the interest of the country at heart.
Narad you have done nothing but repeated deepti's arguement word to word so I don't see a reason to give you a separate reply.
yet I will say personification of an issue is nonsensical. Instead of attacking Medha or Arundhatii and calling anyone who supports NBA a blocked mind efforts should be on giving arguments to prove them wrong. Actually in the case at hand its not even about the dam being right or wrong but rehabilitation and resettlement of the affected families without stopping the dam construction.
Both Deepti and you are rather slow
Chitra, I have not repeated the argument but the reasoning is correct. The personification is only to the exent of the arguments on narmada project which reflect a complete anti-dam thinking which they are trying to put across in any way possible.
Their actions do not suggest concern with affected people. If that were so, they would be working in different ways, not organising fasts in the country's capital to gain sympathy.
They have been abusing the supreme court when they do not get a favorable order even after their battery of legal luminaries present forceful arguments to stop the dam.
The faster we are rid of such people from the social activists groups the better.
Narada you feel that medha is using the NBA to push their own agenda what it is this hidden agenda i won't ask. you will say stopping the dam constructiion but her views on development are not hidden and not to be debated now.
However the fact is the government abused the previous SC judgement to raise the dam height outpacing rehabilitation work.
Medha was not alone protesting in jantar mantar the displaced people followed her. Her fast did help to bring this govt failure into public focus saifuddin soz's report and the SC judgement accepted this as real and the govthas promised to rehabilitate the people in 3 months. Now the fast did yield results which will benefit these people contrary to what you say
Fasting is a better way to protest than damaging public property some have put it and I agree.
Now the problem many have with it is that she appealed to stop construction till families are rehabilitated. This can be called harsh but if you read the october SC judgement it clearly states the dam construction should not outpace rehabilitation efforts so the appeal though it appears extreme is not exactly unlawful.
now please don't oppose it without reading first
PS by the way i don't have a very high opinion of arundhati but that can't discredit NBA. and ya in response to the imposter thing check dcubed again.
Some people keep on repeating without proper understanding.
if they have not followed supreme
court, the court is still there and as NBA has already approached them on behalf of the displaced people, court will take proper decision. there is no need to think that we are wiser than the supreme court.
but like some readers, even NBA thinks so.
And some people are right that NBA's agenda is to stop the dam and in future they will keep obstructing any such projects by any means.
nothing original everyone has repeated it before
I wrote it in answer to Narad not sadhu or sandhu whatever
if there is nothing original does not mean that it is wrong. it is repeated because it is right. on the other hand, some people keep repeating what is not right, hoping that it will be believed over a period.
The discussion on this is closed now.
discussion closed says who?
Anyway I hate people who butt in when something is not said for them.
I had responded earlier to Narada's comment
Anyway I think I was abit rude before and well thats regretted.
But about truth and lies who judges?
On repitition I think you had said people repeat things without proper ubderstanding and I guess you are one of them...
We can close the discussion now.
well you butted when the earlier comments were for others not for you.
you cannot clap with one hand man.
Chapter closed because you were sporting enough to express regret. That is appreciated.
HS you seem to be online all the time like me anyway dear I still don't believe in your truth but then its your.
"NBA will obstruct all projects using all means" you said.
Well I don't see fasting as too bad its better than violent protests and to obstruct its actually to oppose which is well... democratic.
Chapter closed thanks for your err appreciation :D
Narada come and respond to my comment I am done with HS
Chitra of course its unlawful. NBA was not given the right by Supreme Court. The affected people were allowed to approach the Grievance Redressal Committee or if need be the Spreme Court.
NBA has been trying to force its way by becoming a petitioner on behalf of the affected people and also starting dharna etc.
Some people who have been interested in rehab as well as development were initially supporting NBA for so long but have become disillusioned with the last fast because NBA was trying to undermine the Court process. That is how the situation on the ground is developing. For your information the next date of Supreme Court hearing is 8th of May.
A sigh of relief for close of an argument that was running in circles.
NO offence meant to anyone.
I still feel that NBA should have been content with approaching Supreme Court if they did not want to talk to the governments. That is how democracy should work because the Court specifically said come to us if necessary.Ha
You are making a distinction between NBA and the people who have been displaced reducing NBA to medha, Arundhatii and a few others. NBA was a people's movement before Medha came on the scene. The people made her their leader and they are with her. Those who followed her to jantar mantar were people who have been affected so its not like NBA is hijacking the issue or something. NBA is made up of people affected by the dam and they sat on the dharna with medha
HS dear I too am glad the argument's over :D
If people have been following NBA activities for long they will know that they have been telling the affected people not to accept rehab package etc. and virtually forcing their own activism on the poor displaced people who initially felt that NBA were genuinely helping them. I think the few people who followed her to Jantar Mantar did so only because they have been given high hopes by NBA.
Even if NBA was a movement earlier (and readers might have heard about their funding etc. but that is not relevant as far as present discussion goes), now it is practically controlled by the few people named by the previous writer.
This is just to thank the readers for their overwhelming contribution by way of comments to this article.
It would indeed be more fruitful and worthwhile if repetitive arguments on either side give way to more purposeful observations considering facts already known, some of which are mentioned in the article.
Deepti NBA is not controlled but led by few people and if those people want to choose someone like Medha as their leader who are we to cry foul in a democracy?
About the rehab packages well my dear the MP govt told the people it had no land to give and offered cash instead but if there is no land then what should these people do? take the measly sums and move out of the state? First throw them out of their village and then of the state. Good. Completely backing down on the erlier promise and court guidelines. Even in earlier contract with world bank it was clearly stated that compensatin must be in form of land. Land for land they say. Now I don't see why the people through the NBA should not protest and yes if the NBA would not have filed the cases and went on Dharna do you think the plight of the people displaced without compensation would have made to govt offices and media? The SC had said in the october judgement the dam construction should not surpass rehabilitation but that didn't happen. Anyone sensible will understand that people have top be rehabilitated before you submerge their homes under water not later.
Any it was for NARADA.
The simple thing I do not understand is that some people think that they are wiser than the Supreme Court. They make a show of approaching the Court as a formality and they keep on with their programmes regardless of the Court's decision.They would resort
to fasts etc. as a last resort meaning that if Supreme Court does not give them favorable orders they will go for other agitations.
Those who understand functioning of a democracy understand that this approach clearly reveals that they care two hoots for democratic principles while talking about humanity, people's interests and other nice phrases to emotionally appeal to people.
This is what Medha implied in an interview on Cnn-ibn. She also mentioned that her real objective is to have "a solution for sustainable equitable resource management on a permanent basis". If this statement is read by anyone who is familiar with the full background of NBA and its activities, they would know that what is meant is a stop to all large development works.
Only the naive and the novice will hang on to support them and keep on and on about rehabilitation (which the Supreme Court is going to hear about on 8th May).That is what some readers are doing even ignoring the mild suggestion from 'india-awake' itself.
Anonyous how many times is it to be repeated for your types to notice that noone is saying Medha and arundhatii's ideas on development are correct. The only suport given to NBA is for their demand for dam construction and rehabilitation efforts to go parallel. NBA bashing is a useless pursuit, stick to the issue at hand.
Now the SC decision agreed with NBAs contention that on rehabilitation front there was gross neglect from the govt. Dam construction has been given a greenlight only after the MP govt which earlier said it had no land to give to the oustees will rehabilitate everyone within 3 months.
And please don't make a big deal out of the fast as if its for the first time. If the NBAs actions had been derogatary towards the court the SC would have mentioned it don't you think its wiser than you?
When a major issue of national importance with over 30 years history is being discussed, it is not surprising that some exceptions would like to continue discussions without carefully reading the article or other readers' comments, or otherwise getting more fully informed.
The supreme court's last order only said that before taking a decision it was necessary to give the states time to make their own submissions and that is how time was given. Further, it said significantly:We have also appealed to them (Counsel for either side) that the matter deserves to be examined in a fair and reasonable manner in a cool and calm atmosphere and not in the charged emotive atmosphere. We hope that they will be able to persuade the concerned stake holders about this requirement as creation of cool and calm atmosphere will facilitate the early disposal of the matter.
That does amount to a subtle hint to those who are creating a charged emotive atmosphere.
So much for informed or purposeful comments!
Regretably, it may become necessary to remove some repetitive or intemperate observations from the readers' comments.
"We hope that they will be able to persuade the concerned stake holders about this requirement as creation of cool and calm atmosphere will facilitate the early disposal of the matter."
Anonymous I agree it can amount to a subtle hint but fro whom. You will say the NBA or medha and Arundhati but I think it equally applies to Narendra modi and his cronies who went on the retaliatory fast and destroyed NBA's Gujarat office.
So much for informed or purposeful comments!
It once again proves that some readers are not keen readers.
An earlier comment that "SC decision agreed with NBAs contention that on rehabilitation front there was gross neglect" was obviously a misleading inaccuracy that is nowhere in the Court order.
Secondly,the order refers to 'either side' which means both the sides for sure and everyone understands this.
The parties are on the one side NBA and on the other side Central and State Governments. It can hardly be said that the people who indulged in going to NBA office are from the other side i.e. governments.
I think before people can participate in such serious discussions, they need to grow up. Or perhaps certain readers who keep commenting in favour of NBA are themselves NBA activists.
This is my last comment in this futile exercise to make people accept the correct point of view.
Anonymous the court may not have said in exact terms that rehabilitation was grossly neglected but as you talk about subtelities the MP govt promising to finish resettlement work within 3 months before the court could not have happenned if the court would not have shown concern for it.
Saifuddin soz's report on the affected areas proves the gross neglect towards resettlement. So the NBA contention is indeed true.
The problem is some people just read the court order word to word and start arguing without looking at the larger context.
The same people are so intolerant of dissent that they will call anyone an imposter for not agreeing with them.
"perhaps certain readers who keep commenting in favour of NBA are themselves NBA activists."
So much for serious debate.
You won't bve missed.
Previous reader has been making rude comments (surprising for a lady)
Also factually incorrect.The representation about three months for rehab was made by the Central Govt. not MP Govt.
Also the MP govt. has disputed the note of the group of three ministers.
For those ignorant about the matter but wanting to argue, the Narmada Control Auhtority accorded the latest sanction for the increase in the height only after the concerned Secretary in the Union Govt. informed the NCA that rehab work was proceeding satisfactorily.
It is well understandable that NBA will continue their propoganda with a closed mind.
It is not understandable when readers who want to be objective and willing to approach the issues with open mind, argue on wrong premises.
Previous reader speaks selectively.
Read Saifuddin soz's report on rehabilitation before saying its going on satisfactorily
About being rude please read the earlier comments and then talk.
if calling somebody a stand in imposter for arundhati and medha is not rude thaen I wonder what in?
With respect due to a lady, it must be said that one perceived act of rudeness hardly deserves another.
As to report by the Group of Ministers, I have only stated the fact that the concerned government has disputed the note before the Court.
Secondly, the NCA allowed increase in height taking into consideration the report of the concerned Secretary in the Govt. of India with regard to progress of rehabilitation, which is the established procedure and that report was the official position of the Govt. of India at the time of considering the issue of further increase in height.
Reference to the comment by one reader that someone was called a stand in imposter for Medha and Arundhati, I could not find such remark in earlier comments. (By the way, why is it insulting to be called imposter for Medha and Arundhati.)
The only thing was a comment that cerain readers were themselves NBA activists. This is not same as calling a person imposter. NBA has many activists, myself being one of them.
I support NBA to stop the dam construction because it leads to so many people are displaced to provide water and power to only a handful of rich ppl
I am not an activist supporting NBA.
I am tired of repeating I don't oppose the dam and I don't support medha's ideas on development.
But I do think people should first be resettled before there houses are submerged but its going the other way.
Labelling anyone an NBA supporter because he or she do not agrees with certain viewpoints here is well.. rude.
The imposter thing was a comment by narada at www.dcubed.blogspot.com on the article what is wrong with perceptions, I think all those who really care about the issue must also read that. He called me a stand in for medha or arundhati there I got a bit goofed up and attributed to it here which is regretted.
This is my last comment here I see ideologies are powerful than facts and I am tired by the futility of debate here. Good bye!
Feelings of reader Chitra are appreciated.
It is, however, felt that suggesting that a person is pro or anti NBA or pro or anti dam need not in itself evoke sharp responses. A lively and sporting yet meaningful discussion is always welcome.
Further, a reader who is not aware of what has been said in comments in another blog is not at fault and this has been sportingly acknowledged by reader Chitra.
Lastly, as regards rehabilitation, one of the main points in the article is that the governments are seized of the issue. Indeed, the NCA is the competent authority empowered to oversee and control various aspects of the project including rehab.
The Supreme Court has also been approached and howsoever great the concern about rehab (which is s shared by all), it is only fair to wait for the decision of the Court and accept it when delivered.
I know I said I won'ty be back but thanks India-awake and yes now final bye bye keep up the discussion and hopefully everyone will agree to everyone else.
India-awake continues to welcome relevant comments representing all shades of opinions, whether for or against any views expressed in an article.
VhbMEl The best blog you have!
cUpU6b Thanks to author.
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gBjhOK write more, thanks.
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Wonderful blog.
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actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
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All generalizations are false, including this one.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
C++ should have been called B
Wonderful blog.
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
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Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Wonderful blog.
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640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
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Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
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Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
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The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
Save the whales, collect the whole set
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
Save the whales, collect the whole set
640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
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What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
Save the whales, collect the whole set
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
C++ should have been called B
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
Save the whales, collect the whole set
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
Please write anything else!
Save the whales, collect the whole set
A flashlight is a case for holding dead batteries.
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
Hello people want to express my satisfaction with this blog very creative and I really like the views of the focus very good indeed Thank you for the helpful information. I hope you keep up the good work on making your blog a success!
Hand on my heart, I am certain that you live in a city where you don't even remotely know a single tribal man. Had you been living in one of those villages and had you been an adivasi [and they are just as human as you are] you would have thought differently. I agree that we need progress and electricity and water and everything else. However we MUST [as an evolved species] find better and more eco-friendly ways of achieving things.
I have been working on the college project regarding Narmada Bachao Andolan. Medha Pathkar is an true inspiration and an example of dedication and sincerity she has shown towards the people who will be suffering due to the number of dams. Even the celebrities like Aamir Khan understood the importance of non-violence and supporting such an noble cause. I will be glad when I will win a price for such an live and great project.
Amir Khan like every citizen of this country has a right to form his own opinion and to protest.
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