Blasts in Delhi 13th Sept. 2008

Expendable Human Lives
After the event .... The Soap Opera


Meetings...ACT I

More Meetings....ACT II

Grand Finale...... The End Result
In the last five months, India-awake has been highlighting the miserable and pathetic performance of the Home Minister.
The first article was written on May 20, a week after the blasts in Jaipur but much before the three terrible blasts in Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Delhi.
The following lines described the performance of Shivraj Patil:
"The Home Minister seems to be all at sea and has so far succeeded only in enhancing the doubts and fears of the people. On the other hand, he continues to fumble when cornered by media with difficult and awkward questions like the delay in giving a recommendation to the President on the petition by Afzal Guru. Under his leadership, the Ministry even does not have an assessment of the extent of infiltration that is taking place from across the borders, especially Bangladesh. By no means is the task of the Home Minister of India is easy. But the task has to be done and cannot be left to someone who does not have a strong personality and a clear mind. The kind of wishy-washy image that Shivraj Patil has, could certainly be a factor that will embolden the terrorists to do worse than what they have done already." (see here)
True to the foreboding, the terrorists struck on 25th July in Bangalore and on 26th July in Ahmedabad.
Once again, on 28th July, two days after the blasts in Ahmedabad, India-awake said:
"Shivraj Patil, who…, has developed the subtle art of putting the blame on the States, continues to dole out meaningless comments on how terrorism will not be allowed to succeed, where facts suggest a completely different picture.Shivraj’s lack luster performance has brought the country the trauma of experiencing loss of lives and property at the time and place of choosing by the anti national forces." (see here) Also see related article (here).
True to anticipation, the strike force of the terrorists and anti-national elements has reached the very doorstep of the seat of power.
And yet, not only the Home Minister, whose apathetic ways are known to the entire country, but even the slothful Government continues to prevaricate and procrastinate a week after the event.
Such is the tragedy of the people of the country that as of now, the Government does not exist as far as their safety and security are concerned.
Deeply angered and frustrated and yet utterly helpless in changing the Government at least for now, the people are left to fend for themselves and pray.
This is what comes from trusting an uncaring, incompetent and impotent Government.
Brilliantly put.
@This is what comes from trusting an uncaring, incompetent and impotent Government.
सही कहा आपने. प्रधानमंत्री मनोनीत, चुनाव में जनता द्वारा हराया गया ग्रह मंत्री, राष्ट्रपति मनोनीत, अपराधी मंत्री, एक विदेशी की कठपुतली सरकार से क्या उम्मीद की जा सकती है?
This Meaoo Shiv is new addition to my list of adjectives for Shivraj. However my favorite are two: 'Gut Less Wonder' and 'Walking Zombie'.
I would have laughed at the pic, had so many innocents not paid with their lives the cost of keeping this ZOMBIE in chair of Home Minister, Blame it on 'Maino Sonia'.
agree with suresh chandra and the prudentindian as well as the writer of this excellent article.
somewhere this shows the pathy of our ppl to keep quiet against such politicians.
sorry 'apathy' not 'pathy'. a typo in above comment.
this is what happens when one is so angry.
Indeed a sorry state of affairs. It is a field day for the terrorists who thumb their nose at the security agencies and claim the lives of innocents who happen to tread their path unwittingly. Let us hope that the country's both micro and macro intelligence will be beefed up in real senase.
i agree with bichu's feelings but the main problem is with the top ppl in govt. they are restraining the cops.
"kahi ki mitti,kahi ka roda,bhanumati ne kunba joda"
They all power huger,no one is interested for welfare of common man. All of them are inefficient for respective post which they are holding.
As Laloo did in Bihar to make CM,his wife Rabari,The same way Sonia did in center.
Congrets you r absolutly right our nation have sufferd poor home minister,he Is Not capable for thats post,But I think whole govt is shame now,they cant shay about blast in Capital,delhi Is Our Proud and world seen thats its cant safe,A only one solution to same action like K P S Gill,He is real terrerist buster heman,and Caverd Cong Govt Thinking about Muslim votes and cant take any steps against terrerist,I Must think thats All terrerist is Muslim but all muslim not terrerist
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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